The Food Network for Ethical Trade (FNET) is a collaborative network of supply chain partners established in 2017 which aims to use the collective leverage of suppliers and retailers to bring about positive change in working conditions in global food, beverage, and horticulture supply chains by providing guidance, resources, training, and opportunities for collaboration. We currently have 56 supplier members and 10 retailers and are at pivotable moment of the organisational development where we need to grow and evolve to meet our members growing need for support.
Working with talented board of member directors and FNET lead Louise Nicholls, this is a great opportunity to influence the UK food, hospitality and horticultural sector and to drive positive change in working conditions for workers in UK and overseas. There are two positions available and information can be found in the job specifications below.
Job specifications
Closing date 19th May
Roles are paid £400 a day.
If you are interested and would like to explore the opportunities further please get in touch by emailing [email protected]