Linda started at FNET, as a part time consultant in August 2023, providing support to FNET’s working groups and members by running the Network’s working groups, providing information on emerging human rights risks and managing the FNET member and public resources. Prior to FNET Linda spent over 30 years in the food manufacturing industry, in various roles covering Food Development, Technical Management, Production Management, Commercial and latterly Sustainability and Human Rights.
Linda’s experience of working with complex supply chains in remote locations will be invaluable to the team. She is keen to provide support all members; both new and more experienced to help them understand their supply chains better and engage with suppliers beyond Tier 1 to implement the FNET tools and practices to support an improvement to workers throughout the supply chain. Linda is also motivated to collaborate with members in developing new tools and guidance to reduce human rights risks for all of our members and their supply chains.
When not working in this field, Linda manages to find time for a bit of hill walking and road running and although not particularly speedy, she is always determined to finish whether it be a full marathon or a half.
The Food Network for Ethical Trade (FNET) connects major UK food retailers, manufacturers, suppliers and a range of small, medium and large food companies to build more ethical trade by identifying and tackling human rights issues in food supply chains.
Please contact FNET if you would like to know more about the work we do and if you are interested in joining the network.